Crossing Brooklyn's Prospect Park this morning from the skating rink on the
eastside to the ballfields on the west I saw innumerable sparrows the
highlight of which was a Vesper Sparrow in the fenced off area of the
ballfields on the southernmost end of the Long Meadow.  I had to leave but
was able to return an hour and a half later.  At that time we saw hundreds
of sparrows in this limited but protected area.  They had to take flight
regularly because of a Merlin which kept swooping in search of prey.  There
were Chipping Sparrows, Savannahs, and Songs mostly, as well as many Juncos.
 Rob Jett picked out a second Vesper Sparrow feeding next to the first and
later, when we crossed north to the "Sparrow Bowl" area, he found a third
Vesper!  Best sparrow day ever for me.

Earlier in the day I had found an Orange-crowned Warbler in the grassy area
behind the skating rink but, once again could not refind it (it had also
been there the afternoon before).  At one point it revealed it's orange
crown, further confirming it's identification.

Rob Bate
Brooklyn, NY


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