All very nice and my comments (as excerpted below) stand.
Note that I also did not use the qualifier of: "citizen science".

On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:12 PM, Andrew Farnsworth wrote:

Hi all,
I want to comment on some points in the checklist thread about eBird.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tom Fiore <>
> Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 11:50 PM
> Subject: Re:[nysbirds-l] (semi-)official NYC checklist ? - SUMMARY
> To:
> ...
> It ain't science. Sorry, but that is just the way it is set up. If you
> or I can report a bird (or birds) that may or may not have been in a
> particular place at a particular time (and I don't even refer to
> "rare" or uncommon species for any given locality) then it is just
> that, a series of reports... as we can find all around the web. That
> is not science, however. And to make it completely clear I am
> referring to the Cornell-originated website with the suffix org, and
> not to Phil's current version of the ebirdsnyc list, a yahoo-groups
> list which is unrelated to the much "wider" Cornell / eBird efforts.
> The moniker ebirdsnyc also predates the ebird,org by quite some many
> years.
> ....  ....  ....
> Tom Fiore,
> Manhattan
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
> -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
> For those of you with an aversion to reading my wordy posts, see:
> For the rest of you:
> Thanks to the many people that replied, mostly off-list.
> There is no official checklist.  The best approximation is the one
> appearing in NYC Audubon's NYC birding book, and you can find that
> online at:
> and was mentioned in the very first reply to my question by Patrick  
> Santinello.
> The online NYState checklist, of lesser use since there's no
> distinction between NYC and anywhere else, is at:
> but obviously it's a superset and I'm pretty sure Spruce Grouse
> doesn't occur in NYC (for example).
> The major problem with the Audubon list is the omission of rarities
> such as Broad-billed and Sharp-tailed Sandpipers or Rufous and
> Calliope Hummingbirds and the fact that it's difficult to me to know
> which rarities they've omitted without wading through NYSARC
> proceedings dating back through the Middle Ages.  The Audubon list has
> this strange compulsion of alphabetizing within family groups, which
> may drive you a little crazy.
> Another list that has been cited is the static one at Mike Freeman's
> site but sightings are not tagged so it's
> impossible to assess the error level.
> One or two mentioned eBirds (not my eBirdsNYC), but Cornell's eBirds
> database has more holes than swiss cheese and is not that useful for
> coverage.
> Lastly there's the Central Park Conservancy bird list, but of course
> CPK is not a great place to observe shorebirds, so there are large
> gaps in that too.
> Ergo, here's a slightly more ordered list, enabled via Ben Cacace,
> Marie Winn and the NYC Audubon list.
> If your favorite rarity is not on it, email me.  I'll see if I can
> find a way to data mine old NYSARC records.
> Thanks
> Phil Jeffrey
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Phil Jeffrey  
> <> wrote:
> A UK birder asked me, and I realize I have no idea if there is one, or
> even where to start looking for it.
> Any pointers welcome.
> Thanks
> Phil Jeffrey
> --


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