Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010 (10:15a-1:10p)
Location: Manhattan - Swindler Cove Park & Sherman Creek
Reported by: Ben Cacace

This upper Manhattan park is situated along the Harlem River at the end of
Dyckman St. & 10th Avenue across the island from Fort Tryon Park.

*BIRDS*: The adult male BALTIMORE ORIOLE was feeding from sapsucker drill
wells. The bird was seen along the south side of Sherman Creek interacting
with a Yellow-rumped Warbler looking to move the oriole along.

Sightings from the now inactive NYC Bird
developed by Mike Freeman, are still archived online. Here are the Baltimore
Oriole sightings for
Central Park, the closest match, showing the bird is nearly annual in

Here's a map of all November sightings submitted to<,US-NY-047,US-NY-059,US-NY-061,US-NY-081,US-NY-085,US-NY-103,US-NY-119&bYear=1900&eYear=2010&bMonth=11&eMonth=11&reportType=species&parentState=US-NY>for
Baltimore Oriole for the NYC Area (8 counties).

Four new park birds were added to the list: GREAT BLUE HERON (1 juv. & 1

Raptors seen were: 3 TURKEY VULTURES, 1 local juvenile COOPER'S HAWK, 1
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, 5 local RED-TAILED HAWKS including 3 juveniles & 2
adults plus a migrating PEREGRINE FALCON.

*BUTTERFLY*: An orange butterfly landed in the mud of the small freshwater
pond installation. It landed with wings spread showing the tell-tale
subapical dash on the forewing which is absent on the other commas. This was
a "Fall" form QUESTION MARK. Glad I had the time to draw this feature as I
had no clue which it was until I hit the books.

>From 'Butterflies through Binoculars: The East':

2 broods. Late May/late June - mid Oct. 2nd brood overwintering as adults
and flying again next spring, mainly April-May. Occasionally move northward
to southern Manitoba and southern New Brunswick.

Weather for 13-Nov for New York, NY (9:51a-1:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Clear to Partly Cloudy
- Temperature: 57.0 to 63.0 F (27.0 to 28.9 C)
- Wind direction: NE - ENE - Variable - Calm
- Wind speed: calm - 9 mph (no gusts reported)

** Total species - 33 **

Abundance categories from 'The New York City Audubon Society Guide to
Finding Birds in the Metropolitan Area' published 2001. Abundance season is
'late Fall', mid September - November, and applies to all of New York City.

'Rare' seen a few times each season [1 spp]:
- Baltimore Oriole - 1 adult male feeding on sapsucker drillings along
Sherman Creek

'Scarce' seen in habitat, but not daily [2 spp]:
- Killdeer - 1 heard across the Harlem River
- Brown Creeper - 1 continues in the park

'Uncommon' seen in small numbers; 1-3 per day in habitat [5 spp]:
- Turkey Vulture - 3 incl. 2 around noon plus 1 following the pair
- Cooper's Hawk - 1 local juvenile seen several times
- Red-shouldered Hawk - 1 with the 2 TVs seen at noon
- Peregrine Falcon - 1 distant bird which may've been responsible for the
gulls lifting N of the park
- Belted Kingfisher - 1 male seen & heard along Sherman Creek

'Fairly Common' usually seen; 3-12 per day in habitat [7 spp]:
- Great Blue Heron - 2 incl. 1 juvenile & 1 adult
- Red-tailed Hawk - Several sightings of locals incl. 3 juveniles & 2 adults
- Downy Woodpecker - 1 male
- Black-capped Chickadee - 6+ seen & heard
- Northern Mockingbird - 2 incl. 1 in the park & 1 along Sherman Creek
- Northern Cardinal - 3 males seen & heard
- American Goldfinch - 12+

'Common' seen easily; more than 12 per day in habitat [18 spp]:
- Canada Goose - 10+
- American Black Duck - 3+
- Mallard - 12+
- Double-crested Cormorant - 1 juvenile
- Ring-billed Gull - 75+
- Herring Gull - 1 adult
- Rock Pigeon - 36+
- Mourning Dove - 3
- Blue Jay - 4+ seen & heard
- American Crow - 3 N & E of the park
- American Robin - 1+
- European Starling - 100+
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2+
- Song Sparrow - 2+
- Swamp Sparrow - 1
- Dark-eyed Junco - 12+
- House Finch - 1 male at the freshwater pond
- House Sparrow - 50+

Taxonomic order:

- Canada Goose - 10+
- American Black Duck - 3+
- Mallard - 12+
- Double-crested Cormorant - 1 juvenile
- Great Blue Heron - 2 incl. 1 juvenile & 1 adult

- Turkey Vulture - 3 incl. 2 around noon plus 1 following the pair
- Cooper's Hawk - 1 local juvenile seen several times
- Red-shouldered Hawk - 1 with the 2 TVs seen at noon
- Red-tailed Hawk - Several sightings of locals incl. 3 juveniles & 2 adults
- Peregrine Falcon - 1 distant bird which may've been responsible for the
gulls lifting N of the park

- Killdeer - 1 heard across the Harlem River

- Ring-billed Gull - 75+
- Herring Gull - 1 adult

- Rock Pigeon - 36+
- Mourning Dove - 3

- Belted Kingfisher - 1 male seen & heard along Sherman Creek

- Downy Woodpecker - 1 male

- Blue Jay - 4+ seen & heard
- American Crow - 3 N & E of the park

- Black-capped Chickadee - 6+ seen & heard

- Brown Creeper - 1 continues in the park

- American Robin - 1+

- Northern Mockingbird - 2 incl. 1 in the park & 1 along Sherman Creek
- European Starling - 100+

- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2+

- Song Sparrow - 2+
- Swamp Sparrow - 1
- Dark-eyed Junco - 12+

- Northern Cardinal - 3 males seen & heard

- Baltimore Oriole - 1 adult male feeding on sapsucker drillings along
Sherman Creek

- House Finch - 1 male at the freshwater pond
- American Goldfinch - 12+

- House Sparrow - 50+


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