Saturday, 24 September 2011  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

There were modest numbers (for the date) and a variety of migrants.   
Cuckoos included several Yellow-billed, with a Black-billed apparently  
reported from the Ranble as well.  There were at least 16 warbler  
species - NO Connecticut though.  Modest numbers of Blackpoll were  
still around.  Other species detected included a good movement of Blue  
Jays in early morning, some N./Yellow-shafted Flickers, at least a few  
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, a very modest number of thrushes, most of  
which I saw being Swainson's (and American Robin in usual large  
numbers), a first-of-fall (to me) Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and 5 species  
of sparrow (although no Chipping for me) with a few Savannah, Swamp  
and White-throated, plus Lincoln's (at the Maintenance Meadow area in  
the Ramble) and Song.  Decent numbers of Scarlet Tanagers and Rose- 
breasted Grosbeaks, plus a few Indigo Buntings, with some Chimney  
Swifts and a couple of fly-over Bobolinks (7 a.m.) as well.  In  
Riverside Park (Manhattan) I found it less active, at least in the  
time I had there which to be fair was much later in the day.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo has been fairly well-reported from a number of  
NYC parks, with multiples seen in some places.  Other migrants also  
have been reported pushing through despite / because of the slow- 
moving weather system on the nearby coastal region.   I was pleasantly  
surprised by a nice passerine flock, mainly warblers, especially  
Blackpolls, seen atop foggy Hook Mt. (near Nyack, Rockland Co.) early  
Friday 9/23, before the rain came on.  Good Blackpoll Warbler numbers  
seem to be fairly well reported locally of late, rather "on time".

-   -  -  -  -  -
Away from NY was a Townsend's Warbler well-reported last week from  
Assateague National Seashore (Bayside camping area, in Maryland) - 2  
photos available here:  
- and on Saturday (9/24), a Black-throated Gray Warbler was seen by  
many birders at well-known Magee Marsh in northwestern Ohio.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

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