Gabriel et al,

Another great find in the sparrow department for Brooklyn (Kimgs Co.,  
NYC), reported yesterday 10/6 in Prospect Park was the Nelson's  
(formerly called Nelson's Sharp-tailed) Sparrow, which was noted on  
the birding blog maintained for Prospect Park and elsewhere-in- 
Brooklyn birds by P. Dorosh - the observers of the Nelson's including  
Rob Jett, R. Bate & K. Randall.

Today (10/7) over at Central Park (Manhattan, NYC) a search of the  
areas where yesterday's Grasshopper Sparrow was seen ("grassy knoll"  
in the park's north end) was NOT successful as far as I know.  In  
areas near there, and generally were still great numbers of sparrow  
and their ilk (towhees & juncos) and at least 8 sparrow species were  
present in the north end - Song, Savannah, Swamp, Lincoln's, Chipping,  
Field, White-crowned and by far most numerous, indeed possibly most  
numerous bird within the park overall, White-throated Sparrow, the  
latter easily into high 4-digit numbers in Central Park alone, with  
plenty more in various other areas even in small green-spaces. Very  
nice variety of many expected early-mid October land bird migrants,  
some also in impressive numbers. This was so in many parts of  
Riverside Park as well, on Manhattan's far west side.

I'll add that my own looks around the "grassy knoll" today (Fri.) were  
not so productive, rather I found much more elsewhere, today.
But, others' results there may have been better and more.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

On Oct 7, 2011, at 4:56 PM, gabriel willow wrote:

On an afternoon stroll from the Audubon Center up to Breezy Hill and  
back today I hit a sparrow goldmine and many other autumn migrants.   
There are several big piles of gravel on the hill covered in seeding  
mugwort, Japanese knotweed, and goldenrod that seem to be a sparrow  

There were about 5 White-throated Sparrows for every other bird seen.   
Other species sighted were 2 Swamp Sparrows, several Song Sparrows, a  
Lincoln's Sparrow, an immature White-crowned Sparrow, numerous Dark- 
eyed Juncos, Chipping Sparrows, and a Field Sparrow.  Other species  
present included numerous Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets, a  
Brown Creeper, a Winter Wren, American Redstart, Palm, Blackpoll,  
Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Blue, and Black-throated Green Warblers,  
a flyover Common Nighthawk and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Not a bad lunch break!

Good Birding,

Gabriel Willow
Prospect Park Audubon Center


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