Friday, 2 December, 2011

Central Park (mainly), Manhattan, N.Y. City

A try for some of the sane warblers as seen yesterday yielded a little  
less, perhaps because I also spent considerable time looking where I  
had not on Thursday as well as a bit more time in the vicinity of the  
prior (days ago) reports of a Black-throated Gray - which was  
unproductive except for some expected late-season birds.

A Prairie Warbler as well as a Palm Warbler continued near the Pool,  
first on the south side of the Great Hill and then the Prairie flew  
over to the south shoreline of the Pool itself where after some  
searching I re-found it west of the waterfall.  The Palm Warbler  
seemed to stay in position on the hill.   Not all that far away in the  
northern end of the park, but close to the Lasker skating rink, which  
is at the SW corner of the Meer, a very obliging Orange-crowned  
Warbler showed, at first near the rink, but then moving across the  
Drive to just south of the rink, or about 100 feet, perhaps less, east  
of the eastern end of the Loch where it flows beneath the park drive.   
It seemed to be of the eastern race, not as bright as some western  
Orange-crowneds can be.

I was not able to find any warblers in the Ramble (parts of which  
continue to be closed to the public from the late Oct. storm "clean- 
up") but did see a number of birds moving around on the slopes in  
conifers of Cedar Hill, including both species of Kinglet, Brown  
Creeper, numerous Slate-colored Juncos, & some others.  There also  
were a few Golden, & at least one Ruby-crowned Kinglet[s] in the north  
end of Central.  A look around the SE portion of the park yielded  
little other than thousands of visiting tourists but there was a  
Hermit Thrush near the Pond.

The reservoir at Central Park had a decent collection of ducks and  
other waterbirds, including 2 Pied-billed Grebes, at least 22 American  
Coots,a female Green-winged Teal, 50+ N. Shovelers,  45+ Gadwall, 5+  
Hooded Mergansers, and 40+ Ruddy Ducks, plus a few Bufflehead, the  
latter species also in modest numbers at the Pool and on the Meer.  At  
least one pair of  Wood Ducks were on the Lake and a female was at the  
Pond, semi-hiding at the time I spotted her.  Gulls sorted through on  
the reservoir appeared to be of the 3 most regularly-seen spp.

Feeders in the Ramble include a rather dry-lloking orange half or two,  
in hopes of orioles, troupials and the like, no doubt.  In my brief  
look at those feeders, only the most common species of the season were  
about, but that area could easily attract any birds in the vicinity at  
times.  The feeder area is accessible while much of the heart of the  
Ramble just west is still closed off.

I did not get to Bryant Park, & had just a brief look in some of  
Riverside Park (each in Manhattan), but am now heading to Riverside  
again for a closer look at some of the northern areas there,; will  
only report again today if there's anything very notable seen.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,


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