From: "K9_Judge"
Date: Mar 19, 2012 9:27:02 PM
Subject: [Mearnsbirdclub] Sandhill Cranes - Early Date

Hi Folks,

Today Danny Messina and I went to Oil City Road, Orange County, to look into the posting of Cinnamon Teal on the sightings list by "Darnell & Barb Hough*****(could not read the rest) from 3/17. While we did see a small group of Green-wing Teal, several No. Shovelers, many Mallards and some Mute Swans we did not see the hoped for Cinnemon.

What we did see about 3:30pm was 2 SANDHILL CRANES on the south side of the road and well within Orange Co. If you were standing at THE PLATFORM the two birds would be at about a 2:00 direction and 85 yards out. We saw them over a period of 45 minutes as they slowly walked and fed. They were definitely pair-bound as they looked to never be more than 8 feet from each other.

This is my earliest date EVER in Orange County topping last years' Apr. 13 find of two on 17A at Houston found by Rob Stone and seen by me and Danny Messina.

Good luck to all who look for them soon as this could be the year that they stay.

- Ken

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