With the cluster of rare waterfowl being seen in this location, and the 
indication that at least the Pochard is an escapee it would be good to know 
what other birds, if any, the owner of the Pochard might have lost.  In my 
mind, the cluster of rare and attractive waterfowl with a known escapee calls 
into question the provenance of all the rare species at the site.
Has anyone taken close looks at the legs of any of the other rare birds here?

Michael R. Wasilco
Regional Wildlife Manager
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Region 8 Bureau of Wildlife
6274 East Avon-Lima Road
Avon, NY  14414
>>> Christopher Wood <chris.w...@cornell.edu> 1/7/2013 11:34 AM >>>
Good morning,

Tom, Jessie and I received some secondhand communications from Connecticut that 
someone in New York did lose a Common Pochard that fits this description.

We also solicited some feedback from the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) on 
the band given the organizations expertise and involvement in Euring. Lee 
Barber who is the recoveries officer for BTO pointed out was that the ring is 
quite thin and you can't see the split on the ring (which may just be on the 
other side). The consensus at BTO is that it is probably hard to tell for 
certain, but the narrowness of the ring is disturbing.

BTO maintains an excellent website of banding (ringing) recoveries, which is 
certainly worth examining. Here is a link to that of Common Pochard.


Hopefully this won't discourage people from going to see the birds in this 
area. The concentration of birds that is among the best that I've seen anywhere 
in the Northeast and I can't imagine anyone being disappointed in the 
spectacle. While the presumed origin of this bird is disappointing, the 
diversity of other waterfowl in the area is great including Tufted Duck and 
multiple Barrow's Goldeneye and hybrid Barrow's x Common Goldeneye. I can say 
that this was easily one of the most enjoyable trips we've had in the last few 
years and hopefully others will think about going birding there -- with enough 
coverage, perhaps we can find a Smew.

Good birding in 2013 to everyone.

Chris Wood

eBird & Neotropical Birds Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Tom Johnson <t...@cornell.edu> wrote:

I appreciate Andy Guthrie for posting our observations of the pochard's leg 
band earlier today. While watching the duck through my scope in Port Henry, 
several of us thought that the band on the bird's right leg appeared to be a 
white plastic-type band; however, analysis of photos shows that it is 
apparently a metal ring of some kind. I don't know what this means with regards 
to this individual's origin story, but hopefully some further investigation of 
ringing practices of wild pochards as well as aviculture-type bands will shed 
some light on the matter. While the provenance of this bird is unknown at this 
point, what is certain is that this is a fantastic looking duck and one surely 
worthy of study. Additionally, the dynamic waterfowl scene around Port Henry/ 
Champlain Bridge is awe-inspiring right now.
Chris Wood will add some photos of the pochard from Port Henry today (including 
some that show the leg band) here: flickr.com/pinicola


Tom Johnson
Hummelstown, PA

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