Today, on my usual lunch hour walk to the Central Park Reservoir I found what I 
believe is a 1st cycle Mew/Common Gull. This individual is a Ring-billed sized 
bird that is heavily marked all around the head. Notable were the dusky brown 
markings concentrated around the eyes, the relatively fine tipped poorly 
contrasted blackish and dull flesh/pink bill, and the brown tertials and 
primaries. It also stuck out looking exceptionally "retarded" in it's molt 
cycle as compared to the other 1st cycle Ring-billed Gulls at this date. They 
all showed variably concurrent plumage aspects and all showed well defined 
black tipped bills with contrasting pink bases.
I managed to take some descent digi-binned images using my phone. As I don't 
have a photo sharing account myself, I have forwarded the best images to Anders 
Peltomaa and Jacob Drucker to post to their photo pages in order to encourage 
scrutiny by the birding community. I welcome a critical discussion about this 
bird wether it's is a Common Gull or an aberrantly plumages Ring-billed. As of 
1pm this afternoon the bird remained on the causeway on the N. end of the 
Central Park Reservoir. If still there, it is best to enter the park via 5th 
avenue or Central Park West and 96th St. It was best viewed just W. of the pump 
house from the jogging path. 

Good luck,
Nadir Souirgi


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