Sunday, 7 April, 2013 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Some warbler activity "finally", albeit somewhat minimal...but at least two of 
the expected early arrivals, Louisiana Waterthrush all day long at the Loch (or 
Ravine as some prefer to call it) in the park's north end, & a couple (at 
least) of Pine Warbler with some initial sightings in & around the Pinetum 
areas near W. 85-86 St. south of the reservoir & transverse road thru the park. 
 Also noted were a modest (or great, depending on the most recent visitation to 
Central one may have had) increase of species having been around lately such as 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, E. Phoebe, Golden-crowned Kinglet, & a few of the 
also-wintering sparrow species plus Field Sparrow.  In Central, the Brown 
Thrasher and a few E. Towhees are still those that overwintered there. A few 
Hermit Thrush (& just a tad more notably a few Gray Catbirds) also wintered in 
Central, but some Hermit Thrush may well be newly-arrived and of course many 
more very soon will be.  One additional sign of spring in Central: far, far 
more birders out & about in the park, & some including yours truly wandering 
the woods & glades to late in the day... with a temperature at least above 50F.!

Black-capped Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse numbers remain as they've been all 
thru the winter, fairly high... some of each regularly seen out in street trees 
as well as the city parks.

Good & warmer birding,

Tom Fiore,

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