Monday, 8 April, 2013 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

A nice arrival of expected migrants - the 3 'usual' early-arriving warbler 
species, with Louisiana Waterthrush continuing, as well as (at least) several 
Pine, and multiple ["yellow"] Palm Warblers; in addition there was a good 
arrival of Hermit Thrush, especially evident in the north woods, and more of 
some sparrows including Chipping, Field, Swamp, Song, White-throated, and a 
late-day addition of Savannah, plus a few "red" Fox Sparrows still in. 
Kinglets, represented by both species & a modest increase again of 
Golden-crowned (or for those that missed the earlier push of the latter, a big 
new push), as well as E. Phoebes in 'proper' early April numbers, and more 
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. In the dawn hour through about 7 a.m., 
Yellow-shafted Flickers & American Robins kept moving north at a good, if 
widely dispersed pace. The Rusty Blackbird count in one spot in the Loch was at 
least 3 birds - these & numerous other migrants seen while birding with Nadir 
Sourgi, pre- 9 a.m., & my own late-day observations added not much new.

& Nyack, Rockland County -
In mid-day hours, a modest mix of some of this same push of migrants were seen 
at the ridge north of Nyack, Rockland Co. overlooking the Hudson river's west 
shore. Pine (in numbers) & Palm (a bit less common) Warbler were noted, along 
with multiples of Yellow-shafted Flicker, E. Phoebe, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 
and Hermit Thrush, plus some other birds on the move.  A very light hawk 
migration was noted also, with N. Harrier, Sharp-shinned & Cooper's Hawks, 
Red-shouldered Hawk, & American Kestrel all going. Blue Jays were also on the 
move along with diurnal movement of American Robin. 

GO birding,

Tom Fiore,

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