Alley Pond Park was a good place to be this morning. I birded the park 8am
to 11am, with Ian Resnick and, at various times, Lisa, Steve Schellenger,
and Andrew Baksh. Though not super birdy, there were nice pockets of
warbler and other bird activity scattered throughout the park. The
highlight was a *Philadelphia Vireo, *seen by Ian, Steve, Andrew and myself
at Little Alley.

Warblers were seen at Little Alley, the Acadian Kettlehole, the north end
of Decadon Pond, and the green bins by the obstacle course. Species seen
included multiple American Redstarts, Nashville Warblers, and
Black-and-Whites, plus Black-throated Blues, Black-throated Greens,
Northern Parula, Magnolia, Common Yellowthroat,  Chestnut-sided, Palm,
Worm-eating, Blue-winged, Tennessee and Blackburnian Warblers (not all
warblers seen by me and Ian, the latter two were reported by Steve and
Andrew and they and Lisa may have seen additional warblers, if they would
like to chime in.)

In addition to the Philadelphia Vireo, Ian and I had a *Yellow-throated
Vireo* singing exuberantly at Decadon Pond, plus Warbling and Red-eyed. I
stopped by Alley later in the day for a quick walk-through on the way home,
and spotted a Least Flycatcher doing a soft "whit" call.

good birding,
*Donna Schulman*
Forest Hills, NY *
*New York Birders Conference <>*


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