It was an absolutely beautiful fall day in Inwood Hill Park in northern
Manhattan today and the birds did not disappoint. I went into the park twice
during the day: from about 9 am to 11:30 am and again in the afternoon from
about 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Total species was about 50 including 13 warblers.
Highlights included:


Osprey (from the lookout over the Hudson in the morning)

Red-tailed Hawk (probably one of the resident birds)

Broad-winged Hawk (one kettle as I was leaving the park in the afternoon,
spotted by Nadir Souirgi who counted 31 birds)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (1; with the above kettle of Broad-wings)

Chimney Swift (good numbers over the lookout all day)

Red-headed Woodpecker (1 flyover at 218th and Indian Road as I was leaving
the park)

Hairy Woodpecker (resident in the park)

Eastern Wood-Pewee (at least 4 - 6 individuals; some calling in the morning)

Blue-headed Vireo (2 - 3)

Red-eyed Vireo

Carolina Wren (residents)

House Wren (1)

Cedar Waxwing (small flocks going over)

[most of the warblers were along the ridge in the morning; there were fewer
in the afternoon when most were found at the far north end of the ridge]

Blue-winged Warbler (1)

Northern Parula (2 - 4)

Yellow Warbler (1)

Chestnut -sided Warbler (6 - 8)

Magnolia Warbler (10+)

Black-throated Blue Warbler (6 - 8)

Black-throated Green Warbler (4 - 6)

Black-and-white Warbler (6 - 8)

American Redstart (everywhere; commonest warbler of the day)

Common Yellowthroat

Hooded Warbler (male on the west side of the Clove, north of Indian Caves in
the morning)

Wilson's Warbler (1 in pine grove in center of ridge)

Canada Warbler (2)

Scarlet Tanager (2 - 3)

American Goldfinch (flyovers)


Joe DiCostanzo



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