*Jones Beach - *

Since I value negative reports just as much as positive ones, I figure I
should post that I did not see the Jones Beach West End II Northern
Shrike.  This despite putting in a ground search for several hours covering
the area from the WEST END II parking lot to the Nature Center and back.

It was windy so the bird could have been keeping low and that coupled with
Shrike propensity for ranging quite far when hunting did not bode well for
my quest.  I think that the past reports that were positive, show that the
bird favors the parking lot area in the morning hours.  Folks may want to
keep that in mind when trying, so good luck to those who try for it and
please post updates with as much details as possible so that we could piece
together a pattern of its movements.

Besides the CAVE SWALLOW that I lucked out on, there was some movement of
Tree Swallow, American Goldfinch, Eastern Bluebird, Red-winged Blackbird
and American Robin.


*Jamaica Bay East Pond - *

To add to the Drake Eurasian sighting on the East Pond at Jamaica Bay this
morning I would add that waterfowl numbers continue to increase; further
proof on the *IMPORTANCE of open fresh water source for wintering and
migrating birds.*

I won't bore readers listing all the common birds so I will only list
notable changes in numbers or new species to arrive.  American Coot and
Red-breasted Merganser were the new arrivals.  Snow Geese numbers had
jumped up to 350 on November 5th with 13 juveniles and 5 *BLUE MORPHS* in
the flock.

I continue to monitor and document the passage of shorebirds.  The recent
SANDPIPER, LEAST SANDPIPER and the best of the bunch on Sunday, I found
what I termed a first non breeding WESTERN SANDPIPER.

This was a diminutive bird, a female I think and I was lucky to get good
enough looks to resolve the ID.  I had to cross all the way over to the
North End of the pond which is where this bird was feeding with a flock of
Dunlins and then wait over an hour for it to return after 2 Peregrine
Falcons came in and spooked everything.

Subsequently, I had this bird and another Western on the 5th and an
entirely different looking one this morning.  I will try and have photos
online soon of the WESTERN (s) for those interested.


Andrew Baksh
Queens, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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