After dropping my wife off in Commack at 1045, I headed down to RMSP, where
the first animal I saw was half of the resident pair of Peregrine Falcons
on their favorite haunt, the water tower. The next animal I saw was a
large, dark, "buck" White-tailed Deer, who crossed the road ahead of me.
It sported a "rack" that had at least 4, and very possibly, up to  8
points, a marked difference from the "smallish" deer you normally see on
the barrier beach.

I then visited the F.I.Hawk Watch, but didn't stay had been a
very slow morning up to that point. I then made stops at Captree S.P. and
Gilgo, finding hardly any birds at both, and in contrast with my last trip
down Ocean Parkway,  zero sightings of "wind-surfers" in the ocean, or the
bay !

On my westward passing of the Jones Beach Water Tower, only one of the
resident pair of Peregrines was present, as opposed to none on my return

Looking for the previously reported N.Shrike, I drove the entire West End a
number of times, before getting out of the car in the museum parking lot,
and walking the boardwalk, where, a few years ago, a shrike hung out for
awhile. Although I didn't get the shrike, I did see a male N.Harrier
hunting and just before leaving the boardwalk, had a flock of ~ 20 Tree
Swallows , and 1 Cave Swallow fly past me heading south to north, before
heading west as they passed the museum. It seems that after making my
day, a short time afterward, *Petrochelidon fulva* brightened Andrew's also

Other birds of note while at the west end was a single Rusty Blackbird, a
single Palm Warbler and 1,possibly 2 Merlins, 1 of which failed to get the
blackbird before it reached the safety of a dense shrub !



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