Tuesday, 25 March 2014  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

The RED-NECKED GREBE continued as it has for a full 2 weeks now at the reservoir; in the noon-hour today seen swimming off the north shore buildings (pumphouse etc.) as it seems to have been on many recent days. It may not hang in a lot longer, but if it does it will be interesting to see if some further breeding color comes in.

Also continuing at the reservoir: drake American Wigeon at the se corner w/many N. Shovelers, & at least 5 Wood Ducks, a drake Red- breasted Merganser, a few Ruddy Ducks, few American Coots, Buffleheads, & Hooded Mergansers. Not all that many gulls at noon, and a quick look revealed no uncommon sp. there... but always worth looking. Other areas looked at in the park either seemed to have some of the same, or fewer birds than recently... I came across no phoebes today although may have been some somewhere and of course many should arrive in the coming week or so. A look at the Meer revealed nothing uncommon, and I saw that others may still be seeking snipes - good thought, but try in multiple locations...

good birding,

Tom Fiore


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