Thanks for sharing. We haven't had any gull ID discussions on this list in
quite a while. I think it's worth pointing out that herring gull-like birds
showing yellow or yellowish legs are reported from our area from time to
time and recall one that was discussed on this list from the Howard Beach
area of Jamaica Bay about 10 years ago and there have been others
photographed elsewhere. What these are exactly is unclear but everything
except the leg color seems consistent with American Herring Gull (*L.
smithsonianus*). The most plausible explanation for the odd leg color in my
view is a transient effect of birds coming into breeding condition.

Getting back to this current bird it is important to note that it has a
very obvious yellow orbital ring, which fits American Herring Gull
(typically yellow to orange-yellow). In addition to a darker mantle,
nominate Yellow-legged Gull (L. *michahellis*) or the more Lesser
Black-back Gull-like 'Azorian' and 'Lusitanian' Yellow-legged gulls (
*atlantis* and* lusitanius*) should have an obviously RED orbital ring.

Not to beat up on anyone but with large gulls variation in plumage and
soft-part color is such that its very important to base any identification
on a suite of positive characters, not just one or two.

Angus Wilson
New York City, NY

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Andrew Baksh <> wrote:

> FYI... The back on this gull looks too pale for Yellow Legged Gull but I
> thought I would share.
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* " [ebirdsnyc]" <>
> *Date:* March 24, 2015 at 4:02:50 PM EDT
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* *[ebirdsnyc] Possible Yellow legged Gull at Plumb Beach
> 20150324*
> *Reply-To:*
> Today at 10:30 AM an isolated possible Yellow legged Gull at Plumb Beach.
> Near a group of 12 Oystercatchers and 40 Brant,
> I am not an expert, any feedback is welcome. I have additional images if
> needed.
> Thank you.
> Juan Salas
> Yellow legged Gull Plumb Beach 20150324
> <>
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>        [image: image]
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>      Yellow legged Gull Plumb Beach b 20150324
> <>
> Explore js472's photos on Flickr. js472 has uploaded 78 photos to Flickr.
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Angus Wilson
New York City & The Springs, NY, USA


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