Monday, 22 February, 2016 -

The small-ish goose, possibly Canada-Cackling parentage was again seen by at least several of us on Sunday, 2/21 at the reservoir in Central Park (Manhattan) & this goose continued today, Mon. At first light Sunday, some geese were airborne in the area, and it seems modest new numbers dropped in, & certainly now could be further waterfowl movement, so worth looking out for new arrivals. For much of Sunday, the smaller goose was near the south & SW parts of the reservoir, & for much of today it was more to the west; also the total goose no's. were back to around 300+, as they mainly had been in recent weeks. A female-looking Red-breasted Merganser also continues on the reservoir.

At least several of us found American Woodcock on Sunday in Central, but no more than a few were seen- often but not always sightings there consist of watching as they flush with so many people, the usual off- leash dogs, & etc., although with luck a few favored areas in Central provide can more prolonged views. I was unable to find any early this Mon. morning. Red-winged Blackbird was singing at the Pond, also very early.

A Merlin continues in areas around park's the n. end, with American Kestrels more generally in & near the park, in any number of locations. 3 BLACK Vultures, & 5 Turkey Vultures, seemingly migrating / headed NE, over n. Manhattan later in the day today (going past the Inwood area). Very modest eve. flights of American Robins, some mixed blackbirds (mainly Common Grackles, but also B.-h. Cowbird, & a few Red-winged), as the sun was setting, these birds all going N- NE & out of Manhattan. Red-tailed Hawks, many in pairs, are quite active all around Manhattan lately; also I am noticing crows in some interesting locations. Recalling how low the populations of crows were for a time (& may yet be lower than they once were, although it seems they're on the rebound in this region?)

good birding,

Tom Fiore


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