Huge flock, Seen 15 minutes ago, flying northwest, from Rye Playland parking 
lot. 2nd flock of 30 seen flying SE along LI Sound. Seen on Greenwich Audubon 
walk with Ryan MacLean and Stefan Martin. 



On Feb 23, 2018, at 6:05 PM, zach schwartz-weinstein <> wrote:

I saw several eastern chipmunks around Ausable Club road this morning while 
looking for Pine Grosbeaks and was surprised to see them out this early that 
far north.  I found several red crossbills (type 3) there, as well as roughly 
56 Pine Siskins, several purple finches and red-breasted nuthatches, and two 
Pine Grosbeaks perched in a tree near the Trailhead on Lake Road.  

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 6:02 PM Joan Collins <> 
> wrote:
> Out birding on February, 22, 2018, the windless weather felt like such a gift 
> (for an ear birder anyway!).  We visited boreal habitat areas of Long Lake, 
> Piercefield, Newcomb, Minerva, and North Hudson, and owled in Long Lake after 
> dinner (Rt. 30, Sabattis Circle Road all the way to Sabattis Station, and 
> Lake Eaton) – (Hamilton, St. Lawrence, and Essex Counties).  The calm, cloudy 
> day, turned into a calm, clear night for owling.  The stars and moon were 
> spectacular.  The lakes made other-worldly sounds as the ice shifted and 
> cracked from so many temperature extremes during the past few days.  A 
> Snowshoe Hare bounced across Sabattis Road like a brilliant orb in our 
> headlights.  Snowmelt in February creates new dangers for a winter-white 
> animal.  During the day, two Eastern Chipmunks were actively running around – 
> I don’t recall ever seeing this hibernating mammal active in February and I 
> wondered what they will do if we return to “winter”.  Here is our species 
> list:
> Ruffed Grouse – displaying bird at the side of Sabattis Circle Road!
> Wild Turkey
> Barred Owl – 3 calling at Lake Eaton in Long Lake
> Northern Saw-whet Owl – 1 tooting along Sabattis Circle Road!
> Downy Woodpecker
> Hairy Woodpecker
> Black-backed Woodpecker – female drumming and viewed along Route 30 (just 
> north of John Dillon Park)
> Pileated Woodpecker – some drumming along Sabattis Circle Road and one 
> flyover near Horseshoe Lake
> Gray Jay – 8; (pair at Round Lake Trailhead, 3 at Sabattis Bog, 2 at 
> Santanoni Dr. in Newcomb, and 1 heard one calling near Sand Pond Marsh in 
> North Hudson)
> Blue Jay
> American Crow
> Common Raven
> Black-capped Chickadee
> Boreal Chickadee – 7 (flocks of at least 4 and 3 in the vicinity of Sand Pond 
> Marsh along the Blueridge Road) Nice views!
> Red-breasted Nuthatch
> White-breasted Nuthatch – 2 (rare to see this winter!)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet
> Purple Finch – lots of singing!
> Red Crossbill – many!  Rt. 30, Sabattis Rd. (4 gritting with WWCRs), 
> Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421) – 2 locations (2 gritting with PISIs, and 4 
> gritting with WWCRs), and several locations along the Blueridge Road (in the 
> Sand Pond Marsh vicinity, we observed 4 Red Crossbills feeding on Tamarack 
> cone seeds).
> White-winged Crossbill – many! Rt. 30 – several (views past John Dillon Park 
> and a pair with a female picking nesting material where we fed Gray Jays), 
> Sabattis Rd. - 6, Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421) - 2, and flock of at least 6 
> flying over us as we looked at the Boreal Chickadees in the Sand Pond Marsh 
> vicinity
> Pine Siskin – many
> American Goldfinch
> American Tree Sparrow – several at a feeder in Newcomb
> Dark-eyed Junco
> I went out today (February 23, 2018) for a quick trip just before the 
> rain/ice began (in Long Lake).  A Pileated Woodpecker loudly foraged along 
> Sabattis Circle Road.  Gray Jays are in nesting mode and I only saw one pair 
> at Sabattis Bog.  I spotted 2 male Red Crossbills perched along Route 28N at 
> the edge of Shaw Pond.  One male was singing from the top of a Balsam Fir.  A 
> White-winged Crossbill was calling as it flew around Sabattis Bog.  I found 2 
> male White-winged Crossbills gritting in Sabattis Circle Road near a marsh 
> area, and then one flew up to the top of a spruce and began to sing.  It’s 
> nice to have nesting birds in winter!
> Joan Collins
> Editor, New York Birders
> Long Lake, NY
> (315) 244-7127 cell      
> (518) 624-5528 home
> --
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Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
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