"Robert the Right", after seeking the current status of the Golden-Crowned
Sparrow on this listserve, made the correct decision to pursue the bird on
Wednesday, 3/20/19, and was rewarded in fortuitous fashion !  "R the R", of
course, is Robert Lewis, and I congratulate him for his conviction, his
effort, and his success !

While reading of "R the R,s" good fortune, "Robert the Wrong", decided to
reach for the "brass ring" and so on the following Sunday, 3/24/19, he
headed upstate toward the town of Downsville ! Leaving from Riverhead, L.I.
at 0330, alone (after striking out trying to gather some company for this
long trip) "R the W" arrived on Depot St..at ~ 0715, finding Lance
Verderame at the scene ! We had never met before, but were both aware of
the other because of our contributions to this listserve, as well as
leading some NYSYBC field trips. It was then that I learned of Lance's
being the original finder of the GCSP, and looked at this development as a
"godsend"...but I was wrong !  Although there was ample bird activity,
including 2 Bald Eagles, the sparrow was a no-show. I believe Lance left at
~ 1030, while I finally left at 1300.

After seeing "R the R's" post re: the GCSP, I contacted John Haas, who
provided additional info. on the bird, besides giving me info. on 3 good
spots to find Evening Grosbeak and C.Redpolls. On my way home, I stopped at
all of them, finding Redpolls at each, and Grosbeaks at none. I made it
home by 1940, a long day, that while seeing 1 of 2 species not seen earlier
this season, I did not get the 1 species I have not seen ever !

Bob, aka "R the "W"
P.S...Thanks again, John and Lance


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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