Friday, 16th August, 2019 
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

A bright (apparent male) Prothonotary Warbler has been found (& photographed, 
by J. Suzuki) at The Pond, in Central Park’s southeast quadrant & corner.  The 
sighting at least as first-discovered was around the waterfall feature, which 
is at the Pond’s west edge, nearer to the Sixth Ave. entrance to the park, 
north of Central Park South.  This, to my knowledge, is the first of this 
species reported with documentation for the fall (2nd half of year) migration 
in New York County (for 2019).  Be aware that with this species & at that 
location, it is possible an individual Prothonotary might move all about the 
waters’ edges, or interior woods nearby, & could at times be feeding or moving 
in fairly inaccessible areas; however, much of the Pond and its’ perimeter is 
visible from encircling paths, along with the usual many park-users of that 

In addition, at least 14 (perhaps more) species of other American warblers have 
been found in Central Park, thru all of the park for Friday 8/16. There are 
also some Empidonax flyctachers, all or most of which appear to be, or are (if 
heard) Willow, or “Willow-Alder-type, sometimes called Traill’s” Flyctachers, 
these, esp. Willow, being still the likeliest of migrant Empidonax for this 
mid-Aug. time-frame in this area. There’s a report of an Olive-sided Flycatcher 
as well, and many have been finding E. Kingbirds on the move, some in locations 
not adjacent to where they nested - including parts of Manhattan & the outlying 
isles & on watches for diurnal migrants, as that latter species often is.  
Various additional migrants have shown up & the migration movement region-wide 
over the past few days & nights has been good, whatever the local winds, 
rain-storms, etc. have brought in weather.  Many, many migrants have been & 
still are moving steadily southbound, which means both departure of some - & 
fresh arrivals of ‘new’ birds in the region.

Thanks to J. Suzuki for the special report, & to all who quietly observe & 
discover in our parks & greenspaces.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore
manhattan -
& elsewhere


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