Central Park NYC
Sunday, December 22, 2019
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Snow Goose, Pied-billed Grebe, Great Blue Heron, Red-headed Woodpecker, Fish Crow, Fox Sparrow. On Sunday afternoon Stephen Dunn photographed a Long-eared Owl in Central Park reporting via the Manhattan Bird Alert @BirdCentralPark. We went to Inwood Hill Park later and saw and heard one or two Eastern Screech-Owls.

Snow Goose - 2 immature birds NW Reservoir (Deb - early)
Canada Goose - around 400 Reservoir & flyovers
Northern Shoveler - around 350 Reservoir
Mallard - around 100 Reservoir
Bufflehead - 8 Reservoir
Hooded Merganser - 4 Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 209 Reservoir
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 south end Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 8
Ring-billed Gull - 150-200
Herring Gull - 15
Great Black-backed Gull - 7
Great Blue Heron - 1 Upper Lobe
Cooper's Hawk - 2 or 3
Red-tailed Hawk - flyover Maintenance Field
Eastern Screech-Owl - one or two (Inwood Hill Park)
Long-eared Owl - reported (see highlights)
Red-headed Woodpecker - first-winter bird continues SW side of North Meadow Ball Fields (Deb - early)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 3 males
Blue Jay - 4
Fish Crow - heard flyover (Bob - early)
White-breasted Nuthatch - Evodia Field
American Robin - 4
House Finch - 2 dozen Evodia Field
Fox Sparrow - 2 (Swampy Pin Oak & Evodia Field)
White-throated Sparrow - around 200
Dark-eyed Junco - 6
Eastern Towhee - 4 (1 male, 3 females)
Northern Cardinal - 6

Happy Holidays,

Deb Allen
Follow us on twitter @BirdingBobNYC & @DAllenNYC

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