The Smithtown Count (Suffolk County, Long Island) was held on Monday, 
December 27 with overcast skies, light breezes and cool conditions with 
daytime temperatures in the mid 30's.  Seven parties and 32 participants 
tallied 101 species and 18,567 individuals on the day of the count and 
an additional 4 species during the count week period.   This is 
consistent with our 10 year average of 104 species.
  The highlights of the count included:
54   Common Merganser (Lake Ronkonkama)
5     Wild Turkey   (Stony Brook, Setauket, Old Field Sectors)
1     Snowy Egret  (Setauket Harbor)
5     Bald Eagle  (Blydenburgh, Sunken Meadow, Ronkonkama, Old Field 
2    American Kestrel  (South Setauket, Old Field Sectors)
1   Virginia Rail  (Head of the Harbor)
1   Ruddy Turnstone (Old Field Sector)
1  Black-headed Gull  (Stony Brook Harbor)
4  Saw-Whet Owl  (Ronkonkama, Mt. Sinai, Old Field Sectors)
17  Common Raven (sightings throughout the count area)
1   Marsh Wren  (Nissequogue River Sector)
64  Eastern Bluebird  (Blydenburgh, Sunken Meadow, Setauket Sectors)
1   Orange-crowned Warbler  (McCallister County Park)
22  Chipping Sparrows  (1 from Blydenburgh and a flock of 21 from Sunken 
1   Baltimore Oriole (Ronkonkama Sector)
4  Purple Finch  (Sunken Meadow, Setauket, Old Field Sectors)
High counts were reported for:
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 39
Common Raven 17
Eastern Bluebird 64
Chipping Sparrow 22
White-throated Sparrow 1497 (nearly double our previous high count)
Dark-eyed Junco 727
Additionally, while not high counts, impressive numbers were posted for:
Screech Owl  39
Great Horned Owl  21
Field Sparrow 20
Count week species included:
Ruddy Duck
Great Cormorant
Northern Harrier
Purple Sandpiper
I would like to thank all the participants who dedicate their time 
effort to the count and I hope to see you all next year.
Rich Gostic


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