The 99th Smithtown Count (Suffolk County, Long Island) was held on 
Wednesday, December 27 amid calm, cloudy, mild conditions with daytime 
temperatures ranging from 43-50 degrees F. Periods of light rain and 
mist persisted throughout the day, and morning birding was hampered by 
dense fog that lasted into the afternoon. 
The Smithtown Count is centered in Stony Brook and extends west to 
Sunken Meadow State Park, east to Mt. Sinai Harbor and south to Lake 
Ronkonkama. Despite the less than favorable weather conditions, seven 
parties and 32 participants recorded 114 species well exceeding our 10 
year average of 104 species.
The highlights of the count included:
1 Cackling Goose (The Cenacle, Ronkonkama)
1 Tufted Duck (Head of the Harbor)
1 Harlequin Duck (Old Field Point)
 2 Ruddy Duck (Millers Pond, Smithtown))
91 Common Merganser (Lake Ronkonkama)
1 Red-necked Grebe (Cedar Beach, Mt. Sinai)
3 Virginia Rail (Arthur Kunz County Park, Head of the Harbor, Lily Pond)
2 Purple Sandpiper (Port Jefferson Inlet Jetty, east)
1 Razorbill (Old Field Point)
1 Black-bellied Plover (Cedar Beach, Mt. Sinai)
7 Killdeer Short Beach, Smithtown, Sunken Meadow)
1 Wilson's Snipe (Nissequogue River)
1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Old Field Point)
2 Northern Gannet (Sunken Meadow, Mt. Misery, Port Jefferson)
6 Great Cormorant (Old Field Point)
17 Great Egret (Long Beach, Smithtown, Head of the Harbor, West Meadow 
Wetlands Reserve)
1 Black-crowned Night Heron (Head of the Harbor)
1 Harrier (McAllister County Park, Port Jefferson)
3 Merlin (Bow Drive, McAllister County Park, Sunken Meadow)
1 Peregrine Falcon (Blydenburgh County Park)
1 Bald Eagle (Flax Pond)
1 Long Eared Owl, ( Flowerfield, Stonybrook)
4 Saw-Whet Owl (Flowerfield/Gyrodyne, Setauket Sector)
1 Pileated Woodpecker (David Weld Preserve, Nissequogue)
2 Marsh Wren (Nissequogue River)
6 Brown Thrasher (recorded in all but 2 sectors)
6 Purple Finch, (Avalon Preserve, Stony Brook, West Meadow Wetlands 
2 Baltimore Oriole (Ronkonkama, Stony Brook)
1 Orange-crowned Warbler (Sunken Meadow)
3 Common Yellow-throat (Avalon Preserve, David Weld Sanctuary)
Count saves included:
Northern Shoveler
Black Scoter
Common Merganser
Ruddy Duck
American Coot
Purple Sandpiper
Northern Gannet
Fish Crow
Eastern Bluebird
Savanah Sparrow
High counts were recorded for 9 species:
44 Green-winged Teal
56 Eastern Screech Owl
179 Tufted Titmouse
33 Winter Wren
335 Carolina Wren
141 Northern Mockingbird
566 Song Sparrow
58 Swamp Sparrow
187 Brown-headed Cowbird
Birds sighted during the count week period included: Black-headed Gull 
(Setauket Harbor), Greater White-fronted Goose (Head of the Harbor) and 
Snowy Egret (Stony Brook Mill Pond)
Misses included:
Pied-billed Grebe
Red-breasted Nuthatch
American Tree Sparrow
 I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our dedicated 
participants and to Sweetbriar Farm for hosting our compilation. If you 
would like to participate next year, the centennial, 100th Smithtown 
Count will be held on December 27, 2024. I wish you all a healthy and 
happy new year. 
Rich Gostic, Compiler 


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