Manhattan, N.Y. City - FRIDAY, February 4th - given the **NO**-show of 
Slaty-backed (again, on both Thursday & Friday) no rapid update was put forth.

At Carl Schurz Park, the long-staying Western Tanager showed by its favored 
feeder array, just east of East End Ave., a bit south (& up steps) from the 
main entrance at E. 86th St. (or, just west of the n.w. gate of the Catbird 
Playground in the same park) - and, I did not make it over to the West-side (of 
Manhattan) tanager site to check on that other bird on the rainy-day.

At Central Park, far fewer birders (understandably given the not-so-nice 
weather) were out & about, but some, including myself, were; the reservoir in 
C.P. held at one point up to 650-700+ gulls, and then by around 1:50 p.m. or 
so, the adult Bald Eagle came in to scare up at least 80-90% of those gulls, 
most of which seemed not to return for some hours and probably not at all for 
the day. Ahead of the eagle’s appearance at least, an Iceland Gull and at least 
1 Lesser Black-backed Gull were present on the reservoir, & as usual the vast 
majority of gulls seen were Ring-billed, with many [American] Herring and a 
smaller no. of Great Black-backed Gulls. I also took several hundred photos in 
order to examine again later, but none showed a sneaky-rarer gull lurking in 
the midst of what is mentioned above. The gull flock when scared up by the 
eagle flying in (and which sat on the ice near the s. side for some minutes 
before moving on again) seemed to veer off west, across Central Park West & 
perhaps over towards the Hudson river… and in that thought, I quite late went 
to have a look at least at a few portions of the Hudson from near W. 70th on 
north to 125th St. but the weather was deteriorating more than previously, and 
I found no high no’s. of gulls, although some small flocks here & there - of 
the ‘usual 3’.

On the C.P. reservoir, a drake Lesser Scaup was present & there are still some 
of the other various long-lingering species; a hen Green-winged Teal persists 
at “the Pool” in Central, nearer W. 100-103rd Sts. and there are Hooded 
Mergansers & (fewer) Wood Ducks in multiple locations as had been previously - 
a lot of water opened up again & the ice greatly diminished after all the rain 
and highs in the 50’s [F.] to very early on Friday.  A few notes from farther 
south in Central Park include at least 2 Rusty Blackbirds, one at west side of 
the Lake and a 2nd lingering in the Ramble; several Gray Catbirds and at least 
2 Brown Thrashers, & a couple of Golden-crowned Kinglets with at least one 
Ruby-crowned as well.  I noticed fewer than 10 birders in my (total) 7 hours 
out walking, a huge diminution from the hundreds who were (mostly) visiting the 
reservoir of Central Park, thankfully many also finding the rarest bird of that 
day (and week, etc. & etc.) this past Wednesday.

Anyhow bottom-line, there were no reports and I surely found no gulls at all 
resembling the Slaty-backed, although again, at one point there were enough 
tightly-clustered gulls showing on the reservoir to make it a slight 
possibility that a rarer species - beyond the uncommon-rare Iceland & Lesser 
Black-backed, to have been present lurking in the group. However, and with 
decent viewing possible for some time, this seemed unlikely, and the bald eagle 
fly-over also gave a chance to sight any notably-different gull as all that 
flew up circled around a little, then moved off westward. Gulls may well come 
in to that reservoir in high numbers again, & it is possible a rarer species 
may show there again - just as it is also possible that rarest gull has found a 
new area that it likes.  No very uncommon ducks were noted in my walk along the 
Hudson, but I was slightly more focused in watching any gulls, and then the 
rains came a bit too hard, that was that.

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore

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