Some of you might recall when I wrote about Oystercatcher nests at this 
location in the past two years and their need of protection. NPS promised to 
help but the two sets of eggs were gone before they showed up. 
This year, when I discovered a nest with three eggs, I decided not to ask for 
help because I found it futile in this forsaken place with so many predators 
around. I didn't expect this nest to survive either.
I also found another nest of Willet with three eggs at the same time, but that 
nest disappeared within few days and that made me even less hopeful for the 
Oystercatcher eggs.
But destiny has another idea, I guess. The nest has survived and yesterday, I 
was very happy to see two eggs already hatched and produced two healthy chicks. 
the third egg should hatch by today or tomorrow.
Now, we have another problem. In addition to natural predators, this beach is 
famous for off-leash dogs running around freely. A few days ago, I saw an 
off-leash dog barking heavily over a Horseshoe Crab trying to lay eggs and the 
Horseshoe crab was trying to get back to the water. The owner was so happy 
about her dog, she was filming the whole episode on her cell phone. It was so 
I am afraid for the Oystercatcher chicks now. Should anything be done to help 
them? and will NPS interfere in time now?
To see a video of this new family:
And to see photos:

Gus Keri


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