Today, I was pleasantly surprised to see two Bank Swallows going in and out of 
a hole on a sandy wall in Plumb beach which suggests they are nesting there. 
There are four holes in an area of two square meters and I saw three swallows 
at once in this small spot and there could be more.
I am not aware of any history of Bank Swallow nesting in Brooklyn, let alone 
Plumb Beach. But more experienced people than I might know better.
I shot videos of the birds going in and out and then I took screenshots and 
posted them on eBird. You can see then here:

The location is almost a quarter of a mile east of the entrance and almost a 
hundred meters east of the fallen tree on the beach.

Update on the Oystercatcher family: nothing new. The two chicks are doing well, 
and the remaining egg has not hatched yet. I noticed that the adults stopped 
incubating the egg during the time I was there and spent most of their time 
protecting the chicks. I hope they are incubating the egg at night, otherwise, 
this egg may never hatch.

On another note, the first ever Osprey nest at Bush Terminal Pier Park has not 
produce anything yet. This is day #68 since the nest first documented as 
"Occupied." But the bird still sits in it. I wonder if the eggs viable. If not 
viable, when would the bird stop incubating and abandon the nest?

Good birding to all.

Gus Keri


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