
> From: Jukka Zitting [mailto:jukka.zitt...@gmail.com]
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Marcel Reutegger
> <mreut...@adobe.com> wrote:
> > now, to implement the various JCR versioning operations, I'd like
> > to encapsulate them in commit hooks as much as possible. this
> > avoid the need to duplicate code and perform consistency checks
> > in various places. my idea is to trigger those hooks with a defined
> > set of content modification on Trees on through the oak API:
> This might be troublesome in some cases, for example if we want to
> import a node together with its version history,

hmm, I didn't consider that case. Is this really something we want to
support? I don't think we had that feature in Jackrabbit.

alternatively this can also be achieved by running an import on top
of the MicroKernel or NodeStore API directly without any validators.

> or explicitly modify a version history

why would you want to do that? I think it is better to limit the possible
modifications to what the spec allows you to do.

> or a checked out node in ways that don't fit within
> the mentioned predefined operations. 

there wouldn't be any restrictions in this case. you can do whatever
you want with a checked out node. I probably missed something.
Can you describe in more detail what you mean here?

> I wouldn't want to run into cases
> where a client can't do something it wants because doing so would
> trigger unwanted content modifications by the commit hooks.

can you give an example?

> I'd rather just have a Validator that ensures that whatever you do,
> the version history and related bits are internally consistent and
> conform with whatever other constraints we have (location/structure of
> version histories, etc.). For example, when making a node versionable,
> already the mix:versionable node type requires the presence of
> relevant versioning properties, and the versioning validator could
> simply make sure that those properties point to existing and valid
> version history information.
> As for the code duplication argument, I'd take care of that simply by
> making the relevant code available as a reusable set of classes. See
> for example how the namespace and node type management code is
> handled.

yes, that would also work. though, it requires you to use those classes
on top of the oak-api when you want to provide remoting for version
operations. with my approach one could simply perform content
modifications on the oak api to trigger the version operations.


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