On 27.5.14 5:33 , Jukka Zitting wrote:

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Michael Dürig <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:
Users needn't be aware of the OSGi container inside if they just want to
quickly try something out. Running with e.g. the benchmark option would
still run the benchmark suite. The difference would be that in the
background we would start an OSGi container, deploy the relevant bundles and
off we go.

So if I understand correctly, you wouldn't actually "split oak-run up"
but rather just refactor it internally? It would still have all the
current functionality, just packaged in a way that makes
deployment-/runtime customizations/extensions easier (and avoids
things like the Lucene version conflict).

Right. My initial idea was probably a bit blurry and clumsily brought forward but this is what it comes down to.



Jukka Zitting

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