
>> OK, so can we put what's needed into the DocumentStore API, or
alternatively have an extension interface, that both MongoDocumentStore and
RDBDocumentStore could implement?

It would make sense to add a generic method which queries on a particular
property(possibly limiting to only indexed ones), like below, to the
DocumentStore interface.
    <T extends Document> List<T> queryProperty(Collection<T> collection,
                                       String indexedProperty,
                                       String fromKey,
                                       String toKey,
                                       int limit);


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Julian Reschke <
julian.resc...@greenbytes.de> wrote:

> On 2014-08-26 08:03, Amit Jain wrote:
>> Hi Julian,
>> The LastRevRecoveryAgent is executed at 2 places
>> 1. On DocumentNodeStore startup where the MissingLastRevSeeker is used to
>> get potential candidates for recovery.
>>   2. At regular intervals defined by the property
>> 'lastRevRecoveryJobIntervalInSecs' in the DocumentNodeStoreService
>> (default
>> 60 seconds). Short description is that MissingLastRevSeeker will be called
>> rarely in this case.
>> Long description - In this case a less expensive query is executed to find
>> out all the stale clusterNodes for which recovery is to be performed. If
>> there are clusterNodes that have unexpectedly shutdown and their
>> 'leaseEndTime' has not expired then MissingLastRevSeeker will check all
>> potential candidates.
>>  Proposal: if this code *is* used regularly, we'll need an API so that
>>> DocumentStore implementations other than Mongo can optimize the query.
>> +1. Since, It will be executed on every startup. RDBDocumentStore already
>> maintains the index on _modified property so, optimized querying is
>> possible.
>> Thanks
>> Amit
> OK, so can we put what's needed into the DocumentStore API, or
> alternatively have an extension interface, that both MongoDocumentStore and
> RDBDocumentStore could implement?
> Best regards, Julian

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