
I have some questions regarding the POC I am working on:

Lifecycle management
I have seen that it is not implemented in Oak while specified by the JCR.
Is there any plan to implement it ?

How does it scale ?
I need to have some custom operations executed on node creation, move, 
deletion, ...
I guess Observation is the way to go, but I wonder how this scale in case I 
need to be able to handle several billions nodes ?

How does it scale ?
If I query a large repo for nodes and only have access to few ones, how does 
the filtering work ?

I come from the RDBMS world and I am pretty new to JCR so I apologize if these 
are dumb questions:

*         So far, I have manipulated the JCR API (node, properties, events, 
...) and was able to cover my basic use cases.

But, in a real application, I need to have OO modelisation and, therefore, at 
some point, have a way to map my business model to JCR nodes (something like an 

I found Jackrabbit OCM<http://jackrabbit.apache.org/5-with-jackrabbit-ocm.html> 
but nothing in Oak.

Is there something in the pipe  ?

*         What are the strategies and tooling for data migration ?

I mean if I have millions of nodes of a certain type and need to do some 
modification in this type definition (adding a mandatory property or node, 
changing a property type, ....); in this case how should I proceed ?

Thanks in advance for your answers,

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