Hi Team,

With OAK-2178 some basic support for boosting has been added. However
Jackrabbit used to support lots more fine grained boosting [1]. So for
boost feature to be used in real world scenarios should we aim to
implement similar support i.e. provide

1. Conditional boosting based on some criteria
2. Node level boosting based on NodeType

Q.1 - Should we support all or some of that. It would introduce some
complexity but probably for feature to be useful they need to be

Q.2 - Config format - If we need to support all (or some of that) we
would need to decide the index definition format

Configuration Format

As documented in [2] the new configuration format proposed and being
used with Lucene Property Index is like following

  "includePropertyNames":["title", "type"],
  "properties": {
    "title" : { "boost" : 2.0 }

This works fine for property index where we would restrict the
definition to some specific NodeType and specific propertyNames

However for full text index which is more generic we would need to
have way to distinguish properties for specific nodeTypes

If we need to utilize same format to capture index rules at [2] then
one way would be to capture nodeType scoped property definitions

"properties": {
            "title" : { "boost" : 2.0 } /* Unscoped property */
        "indexRules" : {
            "nt:unstructured" : {
                "properties" :{
                    "title" : { /* Scoped property */
                        "boost" : 1.5
            "nt:file" : {
                "boost" : "2.0",
                "condition" : "@priority = 'high'"

With current design most of the conditions can be support except one
involving ancesstor as Oak NodeState model does not allow traversing
up easily


Chetan Mehrotra
[1] http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/IndexingConfiguration
[2] http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/query/lucene.html

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