
Following up on the OAK-3672 discussion again, and taking a step back, I
see three possible classes of solutions:

a) the (cluster)id is always defined by discovery-lite, be it cluster or
b) the (cluster)id is entirely removed and it is up to discovery.oak (in
sling) to define it
c) the (cluster)id is only set by discovery-lite when feasible, eg only
for the cluster case

I'm in favour of c) with the following arguments:
* a) requires tarMk (!) to store this id somewhere. It can either store it
in the filesystem (which makes failover support harder), store it as a
hidden property in the node store (which is not manageable as it's hidden)
or store it as a normal property in the repository (which sounds hacky, as
discovery-lite is in the NodeStore layer while this would require it to
simulate writing a JCR property)
* removing the id altogether (b) would be going too far imv: the logical
unit that defines the cluster view (its members) is the best place to also
define an id for that unit. And that logical unit is discovery-lite in
this case.
* what speaks for returning null for the singleVm case (c) is the fact
that it is a special case (it is not a cluster). So treating the special
case separately doesn't break the separation of concern rule in my view.
(c) would imply that the id is set when we're in a cluster case, and not
otherwise (but that would not be a hard requirement, the specification
would just be that the id *can* be null).

So long story short: I suggest to change the definition of this id so that
it *can* be null - in which case upper layers must define their own id.
Which means Sling's discovery.oak would then store a clusterId under
/var/discovery/oak. That would automatically support cold-standby/failover
- fix the original bug - and simplify cleaning this property up for the
clone case (as that would correspond to how this case was dealt with in
discovery.impl times already).



On 26/11/15 11:32, "Chetan Mehrotra" <chetan.mehro...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Stefan Egli <e...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> which would
>> then be on the Sling level thus could more simply use the slingId.
>That also sounds good. While we are at it also have a look at OAK-3529
>where system needs to know a clusterId. Looks like some overlap so
>keep that usecase also in mind
>Chetan Mehrotra

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