
2016-10-04 15:21 GMT+02:00 Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de>:
> On 2016-10-04 08:43, Chetan Mehrotra wrote:
>> <<The topic is of concern to both projects hence the cross posting >>
>> Hi Team,
>> Sometime back we discussed the requirement for oak:Resource as a non
>> referenceable replacement for nt:resource (OAk-4567). This topic was
>> also discussed on DL [1] and at that time it was decided that changing
>> the defaults (making nt:resource non referenceable ) is not possible
>> and hence applications should switch to other nodetypes while creating
>> nt:file instance.
>> Towards that end I started discussion on Sling side as part of
>> SLING-6090. See [2] for discussion thread. However team there is of
>> the view that this would require changes in many places and wants us
>> to think again about changing the defaults.
>> So question here is
>> ===
>> Can we change the defaults for nt:resource nodetype to be non
>> referenceable. This has also been proposed in JCR 2.0. JR2 and Oak
>> though use the nodetype definition from JCR 1.0
>> ===
>> To reiterate I am just aiming for a solution here which enables a user
>> to use a more optimum nodetype and get best performance out of
>> underlying repository.
>> Hopefully we can converge on some agreement here :)
>> ...
> (I may have said this before...) -- if the issue we want to solve is that
> referenceable nodes in Oak are more expensive than they used to be in
> Jackrabbit, maybe the right thing to do is to make them less expensive?
> I still do not understand, why we do not delegate the UUID generation/lookup
> to the persistence instead of insisting it to be just like any other
> property index...

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Winston S. Churchill

> Best regards, Julian

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