Hi Chetan,

>Thoughts on what approach can be taken for enabling this?
>May be if we can expect a stable order in traversal at a given
>revision then we can keep track of paths t certain depth and then on
>retry skip processing of subtrees untill untill we get that path

A stable traversal order at a given revision + node seems like a
prerequisite to me. Given that, you should be able to quickly
'forward/skip' to the child/grand-child.

Remaining might be the question, at a given paused-path, which child
nodes/properties have already been processed. Here it might help to only
allow pausing at certain well-defined pause-points: eg only when
'entering' a child node ('pauseAtNextChildNode()'). This way you'd know
that nothing would have been processed at the paused-path yet.

So overall ideally one path + its revision should be sufficient for this.


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