On 2017-10-13 17:02, Ian Boston wrote:
Thank you for the clarification. It sounds like Sling can't safely bind to
1.7.x and safely make releases that will not cause problems with package
versions later. That blocks Sling from binding to any features not
backported to a stable version of Oak.

That blocks Sling from *releasing* something as stable which relies on an unstable Oak feature.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't mean that Sling can't experiment with it, and even make experimental releases for Sling's downstream users.

The (obvious) reason for asking was I still need to get OAK-6575 into
Sling. Since that wont be possible til 1.8 is released could the 1.6
backport patch I did for 1.6 be reconsidered ?

I understand your pain, but forcing something into a stable release of Oak just because Sling's release model is incompatible with Oak's makes me really uncomfortable.

Best regards, Julian

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