It seems that OAuth 1.0 was designed with both web and installed desktop
apps in mind.  Great work.
However, I've yet to see a single Service Provider write a friendly way for
installed apps to work.  Consider this...

Any app that installs onto a customer's machine cannot carry with it any
secret or X.509 private key from the software publisher, as that would
compromise the secret.  But it would be a simple matter for the installer of
that application to generate a new X.509 certificate and send that to the
Service Provider to establish a new consumer_key for this
machine+application combination.  So basically a Service Provider with a
programmatic interface for registering new OAuth consumers, that preferably
does not require a user account on that SP to sponsor the consumer as Google
and Twitter currently do, would satisfy the requirement.

But even if a user had to sponsor the consumer registration, that's fine
too.  Imagine this:
As a user, I install Google Picasa, an OAuth Consumer-enabled client
application.  During install, Picasa registers itself with Google's OAuth SP
and gets a consumer_key and consumer_secret assigned to it, which Picasa
stores in an encrypted file on disk. During that process a browser may have
popped up asking me to log into Google to sponsor the registration.
Now anyone using Picasa on my computer can access PicasaWeb and publish
their photos without Picasa asking them for their username/password since it
can use the standard OAuth flow of popping up a browser allowing whoever is
using my computer at the time to log into Google and authorize Picasa to
publish photos.
Finally, if my computer were ever stolen, I could log into Google and delete
the consumer_key that Picasa on that computer had created, thereby
invalidating all access tokens Picasa may have acquired from users of that

If Picasa had been able to register as a consumer with Google without me
sponsoring that registration, then invalidating access tokens in the event
of a stolen computer would be an individual process of revoking each token.

But the story today is quite poor.  No programmatic interface for
registering a consumer (that I know of), and having the user log into Google
while installing Picasa would be confusing to the user, I think, and
shouldn't be a necessary step.

Thoughts?  This isn't a Google feature request as much as a request that the
OAuth community, perhaps a future spec, push for SPs to add this feature
generally, so that consumer desktop apps can benefit from OAuth the same way
web apps can.
Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death
your right to say it." - Voltaire

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