Can OAuth be used to login to a consumer website?.. I am sorry if I
haven't put the subject correct. But let me try to explain what I am
trying to achieve. I will explain this using the example of

So as we know that one can login to using twitter
username and password, and the advantage that stocktwits have by
making a user to sign in using the twitter username and password is

1) Everytime a user enters his twitter username and password in, stocktwits can access the users protected
resources from twitter.

2) stocktwits can create a profile for that user within the stocktwits
for that user using his twitter username, like letting the user
creates his portfolio.

First Question: Is is good candidate for
implementing OAuth as a consumer and twitter as a service provider?
If the answer to first question is yes,  Second Question: If
stocktwits implement OAuth then isn't it every time a user has to go
to stocktwits, and stocktwits have to ask the user to "sign in with
twitter" and it will take the user to twitter page where user has to
enter his username and password, and then user has to say yes to allow
access to stocktwits to access his resources. Isn't this complicates

Third Question: How will stocktwits in OAuth case will allow user to
create a portfolio, because in this case stocktwits will no longer
have a username to save the portfolio against.


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