On Apr 21, 7:32 pm, Zhihong <zhih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to find out how many people are interested in using JMeter to
> test OAuth-based services. We developed a plugin and like to
> contribute it back to JMeter. If enough people are interested, we will
> push to make it part of JMeter distribution. Otherwise, it will stay
> as an add-on. It's really simple to install plugin to JMeter (just
> drop the jar in lib/ext directory).
> The plugin adds an OAuth sampler to JMeter, which is based on
> HTTPSampler2. With it, you can fabricate any OAuth request as you wish
> and the plugin takes care of the signature on the fly when message is
> sent. Following is a snapshot of the control panel,
> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3544/3464614476_c72453e7f3_o_d.png
> Let me know if you would like to try it out.
> Zhihong

Let the folks on the thread know how we can help. I guess you can
email us from the emails on our profiles.

However, I know everyone on this group is too busy with the security
thread ;-)

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