On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> Let's see if we can take a quick break from the discussion and get a sense of 
> where we are. Please answer the questions to follow.
> ---
> We have identified 2 solutions listed here:
> https://oauth.pbwiki.com/OAuth-Session-Fixation-Advisory
> * Signed Approval URLs
> This proposal breaks the protocol into two separate flows, one for Consumers 
> capable of launching a browser and accepting callbacks, and another for those 
> who can't. It requires a significant rewrite of the specification because of 
> the way the flow and signature are mixed together in the current Core 1.0 
> specification.
> * Signed Callback URLs
> This proposal makes the callback URL part of the signed request for Request 
> Token (which does not allow an attacker to manipulate it), and adds some 
> unpredictable value to the callback redirection that is needed to get an 
> Access Token.
> The spec changes include (see quick reference at the bottom):
> - Move the oauth_callback parameter from 6.2.1 to 6.1.1
> - Add a new parameter to 6.2.3 which is needed to make 6.3.1
> ---
> Open questions:
> 1. Am I missing a completely different alternative? If yes, please create a 
> new wiki page and point to it (if you don't have access ask or email it to 
> someone who does).
> 2. Given the simplicity of the Signed Callback URLs *specification change*, I 
> would like to instead of asking people which solution they prefer, to ask 
> people if they have a strong objection to using the Signed Callback URLs 
> solution, and if so, to explain why?
> 3. For the Signed Callback URLs solution, what to call the new parameter 
> returned in 6.2.3? Suggestions so far included:
> - pin
> - verifier
> - chaperon
> - callback token
> - callback secret
> 4. And, should the new parameter be added to 6.3.1 (oauth_token + 
> oauth_something) or replace the value of the oauth_token parameter?

Should be *added*.  It can be much shorter - and thus potentially
could be typed by a human - if it is added instead of replacing

> The second option basically returns an authorized token which is used with 
> the existing secret from 6.1.2. The benefit of a new parameter is it is 
> easier to follow the protocol. The benefit of reusing oauth_token to make 
> 6.3.1 is that is keeps the signed request consistent with all other signed 
> requests (no new parameters).
> ---
> Quick Reference
> 6.1.1.  Consumer Obtains a Request Token
> 6.1.2.  Service Provider Issues an Unauthorized Request Token
> 6.2.1.  Consumer Directs the User to the Service Provider
> 6.2.2.  Service Provider Authenticates the User and Obtains Consent
> 6.2.3.  Service Provider Directs the User Back to the Consumer
> 6.3.1.  Consumer Requests an Access Token
> 6.3.2.  Service Provider Grants an Access Token
> >

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