On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Brian Eaton <bea...@google.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 8:25 PM, pkeane <pjke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm happy with  OAuth for the typical sorts of social networking,
>> photo-sharing, etc. use cases, and I use it for that.  But I'd very
>> much like to be able recommend it for more highly secure scenarios
>> here on campus (I work in higher ed) that might involve confidential
>> records.  For OAuth to replace or be used in conjunction with the
>> cuurent campus SSO and federated systems like Shibboleth, we would
>> really need that extra level of verifiable security.
> Hi Peter -
> SSO systems such as SAML/OpenID/others all use the equivalent of a
> callback token to bind the session at the identity provider to the
> relying party.  The fix to the OAuth protocol is to make it look just
> like the "campus SSO and federated systems" that you mention above:

Hi Brian-

It's true that a "runtime" connection is made in a SSO systems, but as
far as I know, it is *always* based on an out-of-band arrangement
(such as a public key exchange, or server-provider regstration) or (in
the case of Shib) built directly on top of system(s) that have trusted
authentication mechanisms in place which are themselves based on
out-of-band arrangements.

> OpenID: signature on authentication response.
> SAML POST profile: signature on authentication response.
> SAML artifact profile: random single-use artifact value.

OpenID is simply built on the trust of the identity provider's
authentication -- to the extent that is acceptible, the OpenID is
acceptable.  But that is the equivalent of two-legged OAuth in that it
is two "services" that have an agreement. That last link in OAuth
(connecting u...@consumer to u...@sp) is NOT based on out-of-band
arrangement.  It appears to be, but it is not (since the consumer-SP
agreement is site-wide *not* user-specific).

> All of those systems pass a value that is unpredictable to the
> attacker to a trusted location at the consumer site.  None of those
> systems force the user to do anything as obnoxious as manually type a
> pin at the consumer site.

Sure they do.  I cannot use my LiveJournal OpenID unless I have gone
through the registration process on LiveJournal's site.  Once that is
completed, I can use that OpenID with services that accept it.
Likewise, once a user has gone through the OAuth handshake and gotten
the access token for the consumer, the consumer can store it and use
it anytime it wishes (for the user -- this assumes that the consumer
has a method to authenticate the user to its own satisfaction).

> If you think manually typing a pin increases security, you should
> explain the attack you're trying to prevent.  Why should OAuth have
> such a requirement if SAML and OpenID don't?

I am not trying to thwart a specific attack -- I have no idea how one
might exploit the existing hole.  I'm simply trying to determine a way
to "verify" that u...@consumer IS u...@sp.  If that hole is closed,
the protocol is as strong as the existing protocols it rests atop of.

> So far the only concrete "explanation" I've seen is that ATMs require
> PINs, so OAuth should require a PIN.  You're confusing two-factor
> authentication with federated authentication protocols.

I have no stake in a PIN as the solution.  My mentioning banks was to
try and explain why something as simple as a 4-letter PIN can offer a
great deal of security. In fact I don't care at all what the solution
is.  Any mechanism that verifies u...@consumer == u...@sp is a-ok.

Unfortunately, three-legged OAuth is actuallly an
authentication/authorization protocol masquerading as an authorization
protocol, but it is not actually doing authentication at the consumer
which it needs to (authentication meaning proving u...@consumer ==

I'm not sure this should all boil down to one opinion over another --
I'd prefer that we could agree on what the goal is and if it is being
adequately addressed.  I think we can all agree (since this is in
essence what Eran's blog post suggested) that we need to prove
u...@consumer == u...@sp.

If everyone agrees the callback_verification is proof enough, I am OK
w/ that -- that's a level of certainty that the community as a whole
might be able to accept.


 Two factor
> authentication is great, and it's fine for consumers and service
> providers to implement that.  No change to the OAuth protocol is
> necessary to support it.  Again, this is exactly analogous to the
> situation in OpenID and SAML.  It's completely reasonable for a SAML
> IdP to implement two-factor authentication for their users, and doing
> so doesn't impact the SAML protocol one whit.
> >

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