On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Owen Evans <owenmcev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/5/8 Dirk Balfanz <dirk.balf...@gmail.com>
>> You didn't like my "the verification code matches the request token"
>> language?
>> Dirk.
> IMHO that implies that the verification code value has some intrinsic link
> to the request token value, which is presumptuous about the implementation
> method.

I think that any implementation that doesn't have such an intrinsic link (be
it as an explicit link in a database, as a signature, or perhaps as an
implicit link through some other means) is broken, hence my proposed

It might be the case that "the verification code matches the user that
approved the request token" is good enough - it seems to prevent the session
fixation attack we identified. But I thought that for good measure, we
should actually require the verification code to be bound to a particular
request token, not just a particular user (I don't know what can happen if
we allow a user to approve two different request tokens, and then swap the
verifiers he got for the two before returning to the Consumer).

All we want to say is that the verification code matches the expected
> verification code at the SP. Without implying how the SP saves or comes
> about the expected verification code.

That, again, assumes that there are two verification codes - the "expected"
one, and the "actual" one. If the way I'm implementing this is have my
verification code be the DSA  signature of the request token, then there is
no way for me to calculate the "expected" verification code (re-doing the
signature on the request token will yield a different signature). All I can
do is check that the "actual" one is kosher (b/c it matches the request
token, not some "expected" verification code).


> O
> >

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