I don't understand how this blaxo/plaxoo consumer got hold of a valid
access token to use in the PLAINTEXT request. Maybe this can be
explained in a little more detail?


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 12:31 PM, beckett <ravi.ganesan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Assuming that the SP authenticated the consumer when it asked for a
>> token, or if the SP authenticates the consumer in some other way, this
>> all seems better than zero security.
> Aha... the keywords here being "assuming" and "some other way".  I
> agree 100%. My point is that OAuth itself does not specify such a
> method. Even if SSL is used in direct communication between Consumer
> and SP, I suspect, that this will be interpreted as SSL with "server"
> side authentication only, i.e. you get confidentiality and message
> integrity as you observe, and consumer is authenticating SP, but not
> vice versa. Would probably be preferable to make this with mutual
> authentication. Without that blaxo or plaxoo can register and get
> valid consumer key and secret, at which point its easy enough for them
> to get request token. (and unfortunately any system that relies on an
> eagle eyed user to notice stuff fails, because X% of users will not
> notice visual cues and an attacker usually needs a small portion of X
> to fall prey to be successful).
> And even, with mutual authentication it really comes down to the
> quality of the SSL cert. Unfortunately domain validated SSL certs are
> cheap, but the level of due diligence before issuance is not
> appropriate for any high value information. And 'high value' is in
> eyes of beholder, I'd consider my 'geo location' and my list of
> contacts as high value, most would not!  But really, I for one would
> really like to see OAuth widely used for applications like getting end
> user permission to move money or health care data around, and my fear
> is that OAuth used in weak fashion will get trivially hacked, and will
> unfairly taint the entire protocol, which would be very unfortunate.
> I dont want OAuth to be thought of as 'good enough' for social
> networking sites, but we need something 'industrial strength' for
> commercial enterprise use; and that is precisely what I have heard
> said multiple time. Lots of people without understanding the details
> of the session-fixation attack came away with a mis-impression that
> the crypto did not work. At heart it was a social engineering attack
> to which many many so called 'industrial strength' protocols used in
> fin svcs and healthcare are certainly vulnerable.
> So I would personally prefer, that the use of PLAINTEXT w/o defining
> "assuming" and "some other way" clearly, not be encouraged. The value
> of PLAINTEXT to me is that it gives flexibility to use a strong
> underlying protocol for mutual authentication and session key exchange
> between Consumer and SP, but it should really not be used without
> strong mutual auth of Consumer and SP with high quality credentials.
> There is a soon to be announced open standard (waiting for the Open
> Web Foundation Agreement to become final) in the works which provides
> one such in "some other way" (see here for the not-yet-open version:
> https://www.safemashups.com/home/public_html/solutions_oauth.html),
> for  a series of protocols including OAuth.
> Thanks,
> Ravi
> On Oct 3, 3:46 pm, John Kemp <j...@jkemp.net> wrote:
>> On Oct 3, 2009, at 5:25 PM, beckett wrote:
>> >>> My understading is that I should be able to use PLAINTEXT without
>> >>> compromising security as long as stick with HTTPS. Is my
>> >>> understanding
>> >>> right?
>> > Depends on what you mean by "compromising security".
>> > Say user wants to move data from Yahoo Contacts! to Plaxo. If you do
>> > HTTPS on both links, it is true that an eavesdropper listening on
>> > user's connection to Yahoo Contacts or users connection to Plaxo will
>> > not be able to see anything.
>> Yes, with TLS, you get confidentiality (and request integrity).
>> > But if you just use PLAINTEXT you as Yahoo! Contacts have absolutely
>> > no idea if its REALLY PLAXO at the other end.
>> How did the consumer get a token for the SP though?
>> > It is trivial for any
>> > site to get user to give up data. In which case you might as well not
>> > use OAUTH and just make your data publicly available period. So I
>> > would say that in any real situation, OAUTH-PLAINTEXT plus HTTPS
>> > equals ZERO security.
>> I think you get confidentiality and integrity from TLS, and you get
>> request authorization from OAuth, because a token that you accept
>> comes with the request.
>> Assuming that the SP authenticated the consumer when it asked for a
>> token, or if the SP authenticates the consumer in some other way, this
>> all seems better than zero security.
>> Regards,
>> - johnk
>> > On Oct 2, 10:06 am, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
>> >>> -----Original Message-----
>> >>> From: oauth@googlegroups.com [mailto:oa...@googlegroups.com] On
>> >>> Behalf
>> >>> Of prashant kulkarni
>> >>> Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 9:35 AM
>> >>> To: OAuth
>> >>> Subject: [oauth] Need for timestamp and nonce over HTTPS
>> >>> I am looking at implementing OAuth Service Provider that only
>> >>> supports
>> >>> communicatiion using HTTPS. The OAuth specification allows me to use
>> >>> PLAINTEXT signature method. I am thinking it should be good fit
>> >>> for my
>> >>> purposes.
>> >>> I have 2 questions
>> >>> (a) My understading is that I should be able to use PLAINTEXT
>> >>> without
>> >>> compromising security as long as stick with HTTPS. Is my
>> >>> understanding
>> >>> right?
>> >> Yes (assuming HTTPS is done correctly).
>> >>> (b) I do not see any use of nonce and timestamp since there is no
>> >>> real
>> >>> signing of request or real threat of Man in the middle or replay
>> >>> attacks. Would I be compromising security if I do not keep track of
>> >>> nonce and timestamp?
>> >> No. They are completely useless with PLAINTEXT.
>> >> EHL
> >

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