That worked great!  Thanks very much!
-Heath Borders
Twitter: heathborders

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:26 AM, Robin Gareus <> wrote:
> On 06/17/2010 06:52 AM, Heath wrote:
>> I'm trying to use liboauth to connect to twitter.  I can successfully
>> retrieve my request token, but I cannot retrieve an access token
>> because the liboauth functions do not accept the oauth_verifier
>> parameter.
> sure it does, just add it to the request parameters..
> You can also override other oauth_parameters (but for oauth_signature)
> that way.
>> Is twitter using non-standard oauth?
> No, it's using "OAuth 1.0A".
> in short: The "A" adds the oauth_verifier.
>> Is there a way to
>> get this parameter into my request that I'm missing?
> oauth_sign_url2("http://twitter...?a=b&oauth_verifier=CODE";...)
> will do the trick.
> ciao,
> robin

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