On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Evan Gilbert <uid...@google.com> wrote:
> I have a preference to *not* have the "oauth_" prefix on parameters when
> redirecting back, but could be convinced.
> The argument about collisions makes sense, but I think there are no known
> conflicts and you can always add a redirection layer if a conflict arises in
> the future and a web serving framework is unwilling to change.
> (I've become less of a fan of namespacing over the years - my default has
> switched to waiting until there is a known conflict to solve)

If the conflict is found after the spec is defined then it is too late.

In many cases namespaces are needed, regardless if we like them or
not. A prefix is a very weak namespace, but in this case extremely
useful IMO.

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