This seems pretty elegant to me. I like that in the general case, the protected 
resource can give an error saying the scope required.

As a specific example of how Facebook could use this, we have an extended 
permission for an app to publish to a user's stream. If an app tries to publish 
to the stream today, and they don't have the permission, we give an error that 
says "You need the publish_stream permission." With this extension, we could 
also add a header like:

WWW-Authenticate: Token realm="";, scope="publish_stream"

Then client libraries could craft an OAuth authorize URL for that scope, 
without having to refer to documentation.

One issue is how this would work with more complicated scenarios. There are 
resources that require multiple scopes, or even one of a few possible scopes 
(i.e., either "publish_stream" or "add_photo" to post a photo story). What are 
the semantics of the response header listing multiple scopes - are they all 
required, or just some?
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Eran 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 9:25 AM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] 'Scope' parameter proposal


'scope' is defined as a comma-separated list of resource URIs or resource
groups (e.g. contacts, photos). The server can provide a list of values for
the client to use in its documentation, or the client can use the URIs or
scope identifier of the protected resources it is trying to access (before
or after getting a 401 response).

For example:

1. Client requests resource

    GET /resource HTTP/1.1

2. Server requires authentication

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: Token realm='Example', scope='x2'

3. Client requests an access token by including scope=x2 in the request

Alternatively, the client can ask for an access token with

If the client needs access to two resource with different scopes, it
requests an access token for scope=x2,x1.

That's it!

It allows the client to figure out what value to put in the scope parameter
and how to encode multiple scopes without any server-specific documentation.
Servers that wish to rely exclusively on paperwork can just omit the scope
parameter from the WWW-Authenticate header.

We can pick a different separator (space, semicolon, etc.) or different
parameter name (resource(s)).


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