I was hoping to avoid needing str_replace -- but I've been convinced. I'm
happy with base64url :)


On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Evan Gilbert <uid...@google.com> wrote:

> Hi all - having a little bit of a hard time following the full thread, but
> I'm strongly in favor of base64url encoding.
> A big advantage of this encoding is that, if token is base64url encoded,
> then urlencode(token) == token.
> This allows developers to avoid a large class of problems in dealing with
> URL encoding / decoding issues - it is very easy to accidentally double
> encode / decode values, and also easy to get tripped up on the different
> encoding rules in different parts of a URL. For example, different
> characters are OK before and after the hash, and not all browsers decode the
> hash the same way.
> Also being able to copy a value from a URL and use it directly in a tool or
> Authorization header is invaluable for debugging.
> Per notes above, the transformation is very straightforward.
> Evan
> On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Dick Hardt <dick.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2010-07-03, at 12:14 PM, Naitik Shah wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Dick Hardt <dick.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2010-07-03, at 9:13 AM, Naitik Shah wrote:
>>> > I think Naitik is saying that accidentally doing base64 and not
>>>> base64url will send some '+'s along.
>>>> if there are '+'s in the token, then it is easy for someone helping to
>>>> spot the problem. also easy for servers to send back an error message
>>>> saying, "hey, looks like you are using base64 instead of base64url 
>>>> encoding"
>>>> ie, it is easy to detect the error -- urlencoding / decoding is hard to
>>>> detect as an error
>>> The pluses are not guaranteed. They may or may not be there depending on
>>> the data stream you're encoding. If you don't urlencode the JSON, you'll get
>>> a "{", if you do it once, you'll get a "%7B", if you do it twice, you'll get
>>> a "%257B" -- seems easier to detect.
>>> Your earlier point was that developers may incorrectly use base64 instead
>>> of base64url. If they used base64, and if there is a + / = or % in the
>>> string, the server can send a useful note saying what is wrong. There may
>>> not be one of those characters depending on the input string, but if there
>>> is, then the server can suggest what the error might be using base64 instead
>>> of base64url. If the token contains ANY character that is not in base64url,
>>> then the server can say that it is not base64url encoded.
>>> That seems pretty fool proof to detect. Note that you should never get
>>> any %7B or other encoding in the token as it is url safe.
>> The thing I was trying to say was that it's less predictable. That it
>> might work just fine when you're experimenting with the API because at that
>> point your token did not contain any pluses, but then suddenly started
>> failing after you sent a link to your app to someone because their encoded
>> token contains a plus. This hit-or-miss to me is worse than being able to
>> tell by looking at the first few characters of the urlencoded JSON blob
>> which will give a definitive answer as to how many times the token has been
>> urlencoded.
>> I understand your point. I still think base64url encoding makes it really
>> clear that it is encoded (nothing is legible anymore), allows there to be
>> one encoding format for all data, makes it easy to support encryption.
>>>>  When I wrote a sample in Perl, it was pretty easy to make it base64url
>>>> which then provides a consistent encoding.
>>> Did it involve a string replace call? Or a third party library?
>>> I used a standard CPAN library.
>> Exactly :) I'm imagining our documentation where we want to be library
>> agnostic, and have almost psuedo code like code snippets. I said this
>> earlier -- while base64 may be common in standard libraries built into
>> languages, the base64url version isn't. In order to not have a "cpan install
>> base64url" (and gem install, easy_install, mvn install..) -- we'ed most
>> likely document a str_replace() call in addition to a base64 call. And I'm
>> worried that developers will miss this detail.
>> Likely they will install an OAuth library that will deal with it if they
>> are going to have to sign rather than using a bearer token (I believe most
>> people will use a bearer token if they can -- soooo much easier!)
>> Besides base64url, there is HMAC256 and JSON -- not all of which are built
>> in -- but are becoming more built in as time goes on, and if OAuth signing
>> uses base64url, I would expect these will all be part of standard
>> distributions in the future ...
>> (... in case you are unfamiliar with my backgroud, I have delivered Perl,
>> Python and Tcl distributions in the past -- what goes into a packages is
>> what is heavily used or what we thought was a good thing to promote -- and
>> assuming that  making base64url more available is a good thing, than using
>> it in OAuth is a good thing to do. :)
>>>> >
>>>> >> I am unclear on what your point is.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The token would be included as one of the headers. This is often
>>>> preferable as it separates the authorization layer (in header) from
>>>> application layer parameters (query string or message body)
>>>> >
>>>> > With our proposal, we were focussed on url parameters (hence the
>>>> choice of urlencode after it was all put together). I think it makes total
>>>> sense to not do the encoding as part of the sig spec, and let the transport
>>>> choice dictate which encoding to use.
>>>> I understand what you are saying. having multiple encodings makes
>>>> libraries harder, and leads to the issues that motivated base64url over
>>>> url-encoding
>>> Glad we agree on that.
>> I agree multiple encodings makes libraries harder :)
>> glad we agree there
>> But I think the stark difference between OAuth1 vs 2 wrt to signing
>> actually makes the Authorization header less valuable (again, for signing
>> only). I'm pretty happy with this because I thought this header was more
>> complex for developers anyways (while big corporations with authentication
>> infrastructure love it) :) But the reason I think so is that now the header
>> is not just the signature, but also the signed payload. This means an
>> application isn't just making a http request as before with a bunch of query
>> or post parameters. It's instead making a "JSON request" that may or may not
>> have query/post params. It's just not as separate as before.
>> I am confused on what point you are trying to make here.
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