On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Oleg Gryb <oleg_g...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Question: why are you implementing the user-agent  flow?
> It's not helpful. Doesn't answer the qs.

The reason I asked is because I suspect you are trying to use the
user-agent flow in a way very different from other people.

It's important to choose the right tool for the right job.

Given that you are writing lots of server-side code, you should
probably be looking at the web server flow, not the user-agent flow.

> Please provide an example of code that you would put to thirdparty.com and 
> that
> would not break the use cases.

Take a look at the facebook APIs, in particular the cross-domain
communication schemes:


> Please also provide an example of response from
> serviceprovider.com with an access token in it (wherever it is - as I 
> understand
> you want to put it to the Location header, but probably I'm wrong).

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

Location: http://www.thirdparty.com/rpc_relay.html#access_token=12345

rpc_relay.html is highly cached in the browser, so instead of
incurring hundreds of ms to fetch a file, the data lands in the
third-party.com javascript in under a millisecond.

> Is it a requirement/use case?

Yes, it's a requirement.

> Where is it written in the spec?

Hopefully the spec will start adding more language around specific use
cases to guide developers in picking which profiles they want to use.

> What if
> thirdparty.com generates that JavaScript on the server and returns in a
> response? Would it be a violation of the protocol?

It would not be a violation of the protocol.  It would be inefficient.

>> - do all of the above  with as few client <-> server round trips as possible.
> When it comes to an authentication and communication protocols, security is 
> more
> important than an extra round trip in my view, otherwise people would never 
> use
> SSL, which is very inefficient from performance point of view.

SSL inefficiency is largely mythical:

> Also, until I see
> the code that I've asked for above, I won't understand how that "fragment"
> solution will reduce the number of trips.


If this hasn't been helpful, you want want to run up firebug and visit
a web site like iGoogle.  Watch the number of requests triggered in
the browser, and watch how many are served from cache.

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