On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Yoav Nir <y...@checkpoint.com> wrote:
> So if the browser works correctly (instead of what the python library does,
> then thirdparty.com sees only "GET rpc_relay.html", while the javascript
> also gets the "access_token=12345".

In the average case, thirdparty.com doesn't even see GET
/rpc_relay.html.  The page is cached in the browser.

So the access_token has moved from serviceprovider.com to
thirdparty.com, where javascript on thirdparty.com can use it.

> What I'm not getting is why this matters. Is this supposed to be about
> security?  It can't be any good at that, because the javascript is coming
> from thirdparty.com. If the good people at thirdparty.com want to know the
> access token, they can make their javascript send it to them.  So what is
> the purpose of this funky use of HTTP?

It is in large part a performance optimization.

If you pass the token through a server, it adds hundreds of
milliseconds to the request.

If you pass the token entirely on the client, it is under a millisecond.

> Is the access token a secret? From who?

If you aren't sure about this, you don't want OAuth.
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