Am 28.08.2010 20:48, schrieb David Recordon:
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt < <>> wrote:

    I think a bit more then just defining the delimiter is required in
    order to make things work as you described (in a interoperable way).

    5.2.1 states "The "scope" attribute is a space-delimited list of
    scope values indicating the required scope of the access token for
    accessing the requested resource."

    So in my understanding the resource may indicate the scope
    required for access, no word about addition.

The deployments thus far have treated scope as additive. I'd be fine with clarifying that in the spec.

    There is no relation stated to the scope associated with a
    insufficient token sent to a resource.

I may be misunderstanding you, but 5.2.1 defines an error code of insufficient_scope. It states that, "the request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token." It goes on to say that the resource server, "MAY include the 'scope' attribute with the scope necessary to access the protected resource."

I suppose that we can clarify that the resource server should include only with missing scope(s) in this error response.

    Even if this attribute would contain a scope diff, some more
    questions are open: How does the client know what scope values
    from different WWW-Authenticate headers can be combined?

Do you have a use case where scopes aren't additive and thus couldn't freely be combined? Like I said earlier, all of the deployments thusfar treat scope as additive.

I would assume that scopes from different resources (esp. from different service providers) can be combined into a single token. For our deployment holds, tokens (and associated scopes) are valid for a certain type of resource server, only.


    Moreover, the draft does not support to extend a token's scope. So
    how should the client use that knowledge? Kick-off another
    authorization process?

Yes. Given that the client is asking for a greater scope, the user would have to authorize it. A client can ask for a decreased scope when refreshing a token (which makes similar assumptions about how scope works as I have been in this email).


    Am 25.08.2010 00:59, schrieb David Recordon:
    Giving scope basic structure (space delimitated) allows any app
    developer to store a list of scopes which they have and compare
    any desired scopes to that list. While the meaning of each scope
    is not standardized, it allows for this sort of simple operation
    on scope. 5.2.1 also defines how a protected resource can tell
    the client what additional scope(s) are needed in order to make
    their request successful. Standardizing the delimiter allows for
    this sort of "addition" interaction.


    On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt
    < <>> wrote:

         --- p.6 terminology/authorization server
        "         A server capable of issuing tokens after successfully
                authenticating the resource owner and obtaining
                The authorization server may be the same server as
        the resource
                server, or a separate entity. "
        Based on the discussion in,
        I would suggest to add the following: "A single authorization
        server may issue tokens for different resource servers."

        --- p.11 What is the meaning of "... the authentication of
        the client is based on the user-agent's same-origin policy."
        ? As far as I know, this policy restricts the hosts the
        JavaScript client is allowed to interact with. How does this
        "feature" authenticate the client on the authorization server?

        --- Examples and client authentication: Since BASIC
        authentication is the default mechanisms for client
        authentication, I would suggest to use it in all examples.

        --- Scope syntax and usage
        The discussion in
        revealed most WG members do not want to define the scope's
        syntax and semantics in the spec. Instead these aspects shall
        be kept deployment specific. Accepted. To me, this means the
        scope is specified as a placeholder/pattern only and not as a
        fullblown parameter. In contrast, the draft raises the
        expectation to specify more than that e.g. by defining
        delimiters and talking about orders on scopes (less/equal).
        In my opinion, we should not pretend to standardize something
        we don't really standardize. Moreover, if we want to give the
        deployments the freedom to define the scope's syntax and
        semantics, then we should not impose any needless
        restrictions. Here are some examples:

        p. 17
                OPTIONAL.  The scope of the access request expressed
        as a list
                of space-delimited strings.  ..

        Why is it neccessary to define a delimiter for a parameter
        that otherwise is completly left unspecified? What is the
        benefit? I would suggest to remove the delimiter definition
        and let the scope just be an opaque string that can be used
        by the deployment in any way. Lists of spec-delimited strings
        are one options, other deployments would probably use JSON
        documents or an elaborated scope-expression language.

        p.22 "If the access grant being used already
                represents an approved scope (e.g. authorization code,
                assertion), the requested scope MUST be equal or
        lesser than
                the scope previously granted."

        This statement is useless without a definition of an order
        and equality among scope values. And there might also be a
        sets, subsets and supersets of scopes.
        Either (a) add an clarification that equality, order, e.t.c.
        of scopes is deployment specific or (b) remove the statement.

        p. 33    The "scope" attribute is a space-delimited list of
        scope values
          indicating the required scope of the access token for
        accessing the
          requested resource."

        There is no explanation what a compliant client should do
        with the scope attribute value of a WWW-Authenticate header.
        Either a) state that usage of the scope value is deployment
        specific or b) that the client shall pass this attribute to
        the respective scope parameters on end-user authorization and
        tokens endpoint or c) remove the attribute.

        --- section 3: "The authorization server MUST support the use of
          the HTTP "GET" method for the end-user authorization
        endpoint, and
          MAY support the use of the "POST" method as well."

        What is the use case behind POST on that endpoint? Is the
        authorization server expected to behave differently with
        respect to the redirect back to the client? For example,
        shall HTML FORM Redirection be used for the way back?

        section 4.3. In my opinion, unauthorized_client should be
        used on conjunction with status code 403.

        section 5.1.1. access token charset: This definition allows
        authorization server for the issuance of token, which cannot
        be safely passed with URI query parameters (e.g. they are
        allowd to contain "&"). But section 5.1.2 specifies that
        access tokens can directly be used as such parameters. This
        may cause problems.

        Proposal: Either a) modify the access token charset to be URI
        query parameter compliant or b) advice resource
        server/clients using URI query parameters to additionaly
        URL-safe-base64-encode tokens before sending them to the
        resource server.

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